Ken is a member of the Lake Charles Yacht Club, Lake Charles, Louisiana.
The club is building a number of our skiffs this summer as a club project.

Click on images to enlarge

1 parts.jpg (23665 bytes)
all the parts

2 no bottom no seats.jpg (31044 bytes)
sideboards attached

3 seat suport and hog.jpg (29211 bytes)
center seat support and hog

4 inside bow no bottom.jpg (24253 bytes)
seats and supports in place

5 inside stern no bottom.jpg (27276 bytes)
stern view of seats installed

6 attaching bottom.jpg (12105 bytes)
bottom attached

7 bottom tape.jpg (18637 bytes)
outside seams glassed

8 bottom tape bow.jpg (14070 bytes)
bow view of glassing

9 ready to glass.jpg (27877 bytes)
inside ready to glass

10 indide glassed.jpg (18977 bytes)
inside seams glassed

11 rubrails.jpg (19425 bytes)
attaching rubrails

13 ready.jpg (15598 bytes)
ready to sail

to order

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